Item types » History » Version 11

Version 10 (Luning, 01/08/2015 11:16 PM) → Version 11/30 (Luning, 10/15/2015 06:22 AM)

h1. Item types

%{font-size:10pt}At the moment, there are five item types included among the ICAR set:%

* %{font-size:10pt}Three-Dimensional Rotation%
* %{font-size:10pt}Letter and Number Series%
* %{font-size:10pt}Matrix Reasoning%
* %{font-size:10pt}Verbal Reasoning%
* %{font-size:10pt}Progressive Matrices%
* %{font-size:10pt}Face Detection%

%{font-size:10pt}A range of item types are currently under development, including but not limited to:%
* %{font-size:10pt}Figural analogies%
* %{font-size:10pt}Propositional reasoning% %{font-size:10pt}Latin squares%
* %{font-size:10pt}Compound remote associte% %{font-size:10pt}Math ability%
* %{font-size:10pt}Object recognition%
%{font-size:10pt}Emotion recognition%
* %{font-size:10pt}2D/3D rotation% %{font-size:10pt}Corpora-based questions%
* %{font-size:10pt}Executive functioning%
* %{font-size:10pt}Music perception%

%{font-size:10pt}To download existing item types, please click the link below:%

**%{font-size:10pt}"ICAR Item Types":**